Sign up for a Google Account
If you already have a Google Account, go to the Google Analytics sign-up section below. Of course, you can also sign in with Google Accounts, but this will create a Gmail account for you, and this set of instructions avoids this possibility.
1. Type “”
2. Below the header menu in the upper right-hand corner of this page is a large blue button that you should click on “Analyze Access.”
3. You will be taken to the login page. Since you need to sign up for an account, find the link “Sign up for a new Google Account” in the top right corner of the page and click on it.
4. Now, look at the registration page. You must enter the following information:
- A. Your email address – This can be any email address and does not have to be a Gmail address
- B. Your new password
- C. Re-enter the new password
- D. Your website
- E. your birthday
- F. Captcha (of course)
5. You must read the Terms and Conditions before clicking the “I Accept. Create my account. “It is a legally binding contract.
6. After accepting the terms of service, the Create Account screen prompts you to confirm your email address.
7. To confirm your email address, open the email sent by Google to the email address you provided in step 4.a. And click on the link.
8. You will be taken to a confirmation screen informing you that your account has been activated. You will now be able to log in when you see the “Access Analysis” button that we saw again in step 2.
The right question is why you didn’t sign in to your Google Accounts. Registering directly by registering with Google Accounts creates a Gmail account for you on behalf of your account. However, because we don’t want to link a Google Analytics account to a Gmail account, we’ve taken a different route to sign up.